Recent Rescues
In late May 2019, we began the process of transferring 43 horses from the former non-profit CERF to our facility in San Jacinto. All of the horses were in some state of starvation, some worse than others. There were many horses in critical health, many were in poor health. All horses had lost their “top line”. We treated some of these horses for liver and kidney failure which was a direct result of starvation. Some horses were also treated for gas and sand colic, most likely the result of them foraging for any type of food on the ground.
Against all odds, every horse survived and most have put back on all of their lost weight, plus some. There were many excuses on why these horses got this way such as, “we got a bad load of hay” or “the horses were old” to even blaming it on the rain. The reality is that these horses simply were not fed. This former non-profit rescue had been monitored for months. No food coming in and dead bodies coming out.
Thank you to former connections of these horses for helping us get these horses out of there and thank you to the media for doing what they could to expose this former non profit for the cruelty it inflicted on these horses. The following pictures were taken between 2-4 months following their rescue. See their before and after transformations below:
Bolted Heart Before
Bolted Heart After
Bordonaro Before
Bordonaro After
Cali Ride Before †2020
Cali Ride After †2020
Capture the Call Before
Capture the Call After
Chance Before
Chance After
Charlie Before
Charlie After
Convinced Himself Before
Convinced Himself After
Debonair Joe Before
Debonaire Joe After
Delta Storm Before
Delta Storm After
Dexter Before
Dexter After
El Tejon Before
El Tejon After
Enduring Grace Before
Enduring Grace After
Eversonice Before
Eversonice After
Frankelstein Before
Frankelstein After
Gary's Mayhem Before
Gary's Mayhem After
Gary's Mayhem collapse upon arrival
Gary's Mayhem upon arrival
Gen JE Johnston Before
Gen JE Johnston After
Hawkless Before
Hawkless After
Hinx Before
Hinx After
Horizontallyspeakin Before
Horizontallyspeakin After
Lifetime Loves Before
Lifetime Loves After
Lord Snow Before
Lord Snow After
Mens Magazine Before
Mens Magazine After
Ne Ne Buzzine Before
Ne Ne Buzzine After
Opine Before
Opine After
Present Regal Before
Present Regal After
Prince Valliant Before
Prince Valliant After
Remote Controller Before
Remote Controller After
Ringo Before
Ringo After
Royal Kana Before
Royal Kana After
Russet Mantle Before
Russet Mantle After
Safety Belt Before
Safety Belt After
Sigfreto Before
Sigfreto After
Seeking the West Before

Seeking the West After
South Detroit Before
South Detroit After
Starship Ekati Before
Starship Ekati After
Sugaratmidnight Before
Sugaratmidnight After
Super Ability Before
Super Ability After
Tiz Fitting Before
Tiz Fitting After
Truly a Judge Before
Truly a Judge After

Unfurl the Flag Before
Unfurl the Flag After
Worchester Before
Worchester After